Virginia Public Records Search

Enter a name to search for Virginia public records. This website was created to provide genealogists with access to Virginia public records. Additional information on how to obtain Virginia public records is available below.

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Virginia public records

Recommended Virginia Public Records Research:

Virginia Genealogy - has online databases of military records, obituaries, cemeteries, school yearbooks, and more...

Virginia Genealogy Queries - is a free public exchange where you can find other genealogists researching the same family lines as yours.

Virginia Cemeteries - Look up burial records of veterans and families interred at national cemeteries across the country.

Virginia Adoption Registry - Adoptees and Birth Parents can find each other through this online registry by searching and posting profiles.

Virginia Sex Offenders - Enter your zip code to find out how many registered sex offenders live in your neighborhood. - Google is a great way to find more Virginia public records. Visit their site and type, "Virginia public records".

Virginia Public Records Search

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Virginia Birth Certificates

Cost for copies: $10.00

Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

State office has records from January 1853 to December 1896 and since June 14, 1912. Only the cities of Hampton, Newport News and Norfolk have records between 1896 and June 14, 1912.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Health Department. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (804) 662-6200. This is a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Internet at

Anyone requesting a vital record must submit a photocopy of their identification.

Virginia Death Certificates

Cost for copies: $10.00

Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

State office has records from January 1853 to December 1896 and since June 14, 1912. Only the cities of Hampton, Newport News and Norfolk have records between 1896 and June 14, 1912.

Personal check or money order should be made payable to State Health Department. To verify current fees, the telephone number is (804) 662-6200. This is a recorded message. Information on how to obtain certified copies is also available via the Internet at

Anyone requesting a vital record must submit a photocopy of their identification.

Virginia Marriage Certificates

Cost for copies: $10.00

Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

State office has records since January 1853. For prior records, contact the Clerk of Court in county or city where license was issued.

Virginia Divorce Records

Cost for copies: $10.00

Office of Vital Records
P.O. Box 1000
Richmond, VA 23218-1000

State office has records since January 1918. For prior records, contact the Clerk of Court in county or city where divorce was granted.

Virginia Public Records
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